My new book is now available from my publisher's Author Page at
This is from the introduction:
"Chicken Little was right.
"Sometimes, the sky
really falls.
"Or, at least, strange
stuff falls out of the sky. Much of what reaches the surface of our planet from
above may be harmless, ordinary, and expected. Most of it actually comes from
the surface of the planet, lifted up by way of the wind or the sun’s heat. And
as the old saying says, “What goes up, must come down.” All of what falls
during various types of weather comes from the surface of our planet. These
materials regularly fall from the sky. Rain, hail, sleet, and snow occur every
year all over Earth and we hardly ever think about it.
"But some of what
comes down was never on Earth before. This stuff comes from space. It might be
in the form of dust, huge rocks, frozen ice balls, or various forms of radiation.
While much of that stuff won’t hurt us, some downright deadly stuff also falls
from the sky."
The full cover, front and back.
Read about lots of strange stuff that falls from the sky. Some of it you won't believe. The book describes everything from common weather-related stuff like rain, sleet, hail, etc. to animals, golf balls, coins, sugar crystals, and stuff that falls regularly all the way from space.
You'll never look at the sky the same way again.
Order it now. Hardback $20.99, paperback $13.99.