Thursday, December 3, 2020

Are We Close to Finding Earth 2?


NASA and other space agencies have launched several missions to search for exoplanets, planets that orbit other stars. The Holy Grail of such programs is finding an Earth-like planet orbiting a sun-like star at the right distance to allow liquid water on the surface. Such planets seem to be the most likely candidates to search for life.

While astronomers have yet to find a perfect Earth 2, statistical analysis of NASA’s most successful planet hunter, the Kepler Mission, uncovered some promising data. A study by NASA scientists alongside collaborators from around the world who worked on the Kepler mission came to an exciting conclusion. According to the research, about half the stars similar in temperature to our Sun could have a rocky planet capable of supporting liquid water on its surface.

Image Caption/Credit: NASA’s Kepler Planet Finder telescope, credit NASA

"Kepler already told us there were billions of planets, but now we know a good chunk of those planets might be rocky and habitable," said the lead author Steve Bryson, a researcher at NASA's Ames Research. "Though this result is far from a final value, and water on a planet's surface is only one of many factors to support life, it's extremely exciting that we calculated these worlds are this common with such high confidence and precision."

Kepler detected planets by continuously staring at thousands of stars, watching for a tell-tale drop in brightness caused by an orbiting planet crossing in front of a star. Such a method couldn’t detect planetary systems seen more face on, so astronomers had to use statistical methods to extrapolate from the Kepler data to all the other stars in our galaxy. Kepler discovered so many exoplanets from its limited mission that astronomers now believe that more than half of the four billion stars in the Milky planet possess planets, typically more than one.

Using their most conservative estimate, that 7% of all sun-like stars have Earth-like planets, meaning some 300 million exist in our Milky Way alone. Their most likely estimate states that Earth-like planets orbit 50% of sun-like stars, making more than 2 billion Earth-like planets. Since we know of only one planet with life, ours, those planets are the best place to begin to search for alien forms of life.

Each month, I write an astronomy-related column piece for the Oklahoman newspaper. On the following day, I post that same column to my blog page.

 This is reprinted by permission from the Oklahoman and

Monday, November 2, 2020

Where Did the Gold in Your Ring Come From?


Astronomers have a pretty good understanding of where the matter in our universe comes from. In the beginning, there was only hydrogen, helium, and a tiny smattering of lithium. Everything else, the oxygen we breathe, the carbon that makes up so much of our bodies, the silicon, magnesium, aluminum, and other elements that make up our planet, were all formed inside stars and released into the wider universe when stars explode.

Supernova Remnent Casseopeia A. Credit NASA

But there is one element that still has astronomers bumfuzzled: gold. There is too much of it. Supernova explosions can’t begin to account for the amount that we see because the gold is trapped in the neutron stars, the remnants of supernovas. Colliding neutron stars release prodigious amounts of gold, as do so-called magneto-rotational supernova. These rare supernovas spin so fast and generate such strong magnetic fields that they literally turn themselves inside out. This releases all of their trapped gold atoms. But while both produce extraordinary quantities of gold, they are extremely rare and cannot begin to account for all the gold we find here on Earth.

Chiaki Kobayashi is an astrophysicist at the University of Hertfordshire in the United Kingdom. She led the new study to determine the origin of gold. "There are two stages to this question," she said. "Number one: neutron star mergers are not enough. Number two: Even with the second source, magneto-rotational supernova, we still can't explain the observed amount of gold." Kobayashi and the other study authors accounted for the formation and relative abundance of all elements from carbon to uranium. All except for gold. Its abundance remains a mystery.

So, the next time you put on that gold ring or necklace, you can marvel that our Earth has as much gold as it does.


 Each month, I write an astronomy-related column piece for the Oklahoman newspaper. On the following day, I post that same column to my blog page.

 This is reprinted by permission from the Oklahoman and


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Any Volunteers to Be the First to Travel Through a Wormhole?

Science fiction has long imagined wormholes as a means of traversing the great distances between the stars in short, by human standard, timespans. Such literary devices allow spaceships, in essence, to cover great distances in hours or days instead of centuries that normal space travel would require. Wormholes connect two points in space in a way that the distance between them through the wormhole is much shorter than the distance between them in normal space, like taking a cosmic shortcut.

General relativity tells us that to make a wormhole requires enormous amounts of negative energy which, according to Einstein’s equations, isn’t possible. But, the other grand realm of physics, quantum mechanics, says not so fast.

In a study titled “Humanly traversable wormholes,” Juan Maldacena of the Princeton Institute of Advanced Study and Alexey Milekhin, a graduate of astrophysics student also at Princeton University, claim that we can make such wormholes. They base their calculations on the Randall-Sundrum II model, a theory that postulates a five-dimensional, warped geometry for the universe instead of the one we are familiar with that contains only normal four dimensions. Maldecena and Milekhin claim, using that theory, stable, person-sized wormholes could be created.

                                             Spaceship entering a wormhole. Credit NASA

You have to start, the researchers say, with a black hole that has a large magnetic charge. Such a special wormhole would allow spacefarers to traverse, say, 10,000 lightyears, one-tenth of the way across our galaxy, in a second. The only problem is that to the people at either end of the wormhole, that trip would appear to take 10,000 years, meaning these special wormholes really create shortcuts through time rather than space.

I bet they could still find volunteers willing to take that trip.


Each month, I write an astronomy-related column piece for the Oklahoman newspaper. On the following day, I post that same column to my blog page.

 This is reprinted by permission from the Oklahoman and 

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Martian Life, if it Exists, Could Still Be Present Underground


Earth sits right in the middle of our sun’s habitable zone, the region where the heat of the star allows liquid water to exist on the surface of a planet. Mars orbits at the outer edge of this zone. Astronomers generally agree that Mars once sported rivers, lakes and, oceans. Mars reached such life-supporting conditions even before Earth. Its smaller size allowed it to cool more quickly from the heat of formation.

But Mars’ smaller size also allowed its core to cool and solidify long ago, killing its magnetic field. Without that magnetic field, solar radiation slowly knocked the atmosphere of Mars into space. Lacking an atmosphere, Mars couldn’t trap the sun’s heat, so it turned cold. Nighttime temperatures routinely drop to near 100 degrees below zero.

But, prior to the loss of its atmosphere, Mars sported conditions that could have supported life. That is no longer true of the surface of Mars. The thin atmosphere can no longer warm the surface of Mars nor protect it from cosmic radiation. Many scientists, including astrophysicist and research scientist Dimitra Atri, from the Center for Space Science at NYU Abu Dhabi, believe that conditions not far below the surface could potentially support life, albeit only at the bacterial level.

In 2022, the European Space Agency and Roscosmos, the Russian space organization, will launch the ExoMars craft, which includes the Rosiland Franklin rover. Atri says that rover will have the ability to detect any such subsurface life on the Red Planet. "It is exciting to contemplate that life could survive in such a harsh environment, as few as two meters (six feet) below the surface of Mars," said Atri. "When the Rosalind Franklin rover onboard the ExoMars mission, equipped with a subsurface drill, is launched in 2022, it will be well-suited to detect extant microbial life."

                           ExoMars Rosalind Franklin rover, Credit European Space Agency (ESA).

If we find life on Mars, it will indicate that life forms easily, given that life developed on both planets in our solar system capable of supporting it. That tells astronomers that perhaps many of the tens of billions of Earth-like planets in our Milky Way galaxy likely did, too.

     Each month, I write an astronomy-related column piece for the Oklahoman newspaper. On the following day, I post that same column to my blog page.

     This is reprinted by permission from the Oklahoman and

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Can Earth-like Exoplanets Actually Support Life?

As of July 4th, the NASA Exoplanet Archive ( lists 4,183 confirmed exoplanets, planets orbiting other stars, with another 2089 candidate planets awaiting confirmation. NASA and other institutions have only studied a tiny percent of all the stars in our Milky Way. Based on the sample so far, astronomers estimate that planets outnumber stars in our galaxy. That means the Milky Way contains several hundred billion planets.

These exoplanets come in a bewildering variety. Some are Jupiter-sized planets so close to their parent star that the heat from the star evaporates them. Some Earth-sized planets get so hot, they rain liquid metal from their clouds. Most confirmed planets are significantly larger than Earth, but that’s because larger planets are easier to discover than smaller planets. Astronomer estimate that Earth-sized planets number in the billions.

   Most Earth-like Exoplanets, credit NASA

Being the size of Earth doesn’t mean such a planet has life on it. Many factors play into planet habitability. Distance to its parent star determines surface temperature. Too hot or too cold and habitability becomes unlikely. The type of parent star plays a crucial role. Stars smaller than our sun often produce large, dangerous stellar flares.

If Earth is a good example of what conditions necessary for a planet to support life, water is an absolute must. On our planet, where there’s water, life exists, even at the bottom of the ocean, with near-freezing temperatures, in boiling hot springs, or three miles underground in cracks in the rock.

Scientist Lynnae Quick along with several other NASA scientists looked at the likelihood of finding other life-bearing planets. This initial study contained a small sample of only 53 Earth-sized planets. They specifically looked to see if the planets could support surface or subsurface oceans, as is the case with several moons in our own solar system. Of those, they calculated that 30 likely possess such bodies of water, more than half of the planets they analyzed. With a few billion Earth-sized planets in our galaxy alone, that means there might be a lot of life-bearing planets out there. "Forthcoming missions will give us a chance to see whether ocean moons in our solar system could support life,” said Quick.

The study didn’t address the presence of intelligent aliens. There isn’t enough data to decide that. But at least we have some idea of the possibilities now.

Each month, I write an astronomy-related column piece for the Oklahoman newspaper. On the following day, I post that same column to my blog page.

 This is reprinted by permission from the Oklahoman and

Saturday, July 11, 2020

You Can Help NASA as a Citizen scientist

In 2003, NASA launched a pair of twin rovers to Mars. Spirit and Opportunity landed on opposite sides of the Red Planet in early 2004. But Spirit became stuck in deep sand in 2010 while Opportunity continued functioning until 2018. Those two were followed by Curiosity, still going strong on the Martian surface. But Curiosity’s wheels became worn down early in its mission due to traveling over a field of tough, sharp rocks.

NASA's Curiosity Rover on Mars, credit NASA

Now, NASA is asking for your help in training Curiosity to recognize and avoid terrain that might cause a problem. NASA partnered with the citizen science site Zooniverse ( Zooniverse contains dozens of projects that citizen scientists, you, can help with. I have written about Zooniverse in several past columns, but the site is constantly adding new projects at the request of scientists around the world. There are many subjects that researchers need help in ranging from Arts to Language, History, Medicine, and Physics, just to name a few. Once you register on the site, you can join in any of the projects. Some Zooniverse volunteers have made significant discoveries and are even named as collaborators on the scientific papers produced with their help.
 The project that helps Curiosity drive safely is called AI4Mars. Not only will it help Curiosity, it will also teach the next Mars rover, Perseverance, expected to launch in July. For now, Curiosity needs your help as its wheels are already compromised, and NASA doesn’t want it to meet the same fate as Spirit.

Mars Perseverance Rover set for launch in late July 2020, credit NASA

The Zooniverse website describes the AI4Mars project goal: “By participating in this project, you will help improve the rovers’ ability to identify different, sometimes dangerous, terrain - an essential skill for autonomous exploration!
 “Terrain is important to get around on Mars. Spirit got stuck in a sandpit and ended its mission after 7 years of exploring Mars. Opportunity and Curiosity also have experienced getting stuck in sand, although they were able to continue on their missions. Don’t you think it would be nice if the Mars rover could identify dangerous terrain by herself? That is what a team at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory is working on using Machine learning – essentially the same technology used by self-driving cars on Earth. To do so, the rover needs training data to learn from.
“We're counting on citizen scientists' help in labeling a set of images captured by Mars rovers so that we collectively create the Solar System's first public benchmark for Martian terrain classification.”
AI4Mars is only one of 96 projects on the Zooniverse site where scientists in all disciplines ask for the help of citizen scientists like yourself. If you have always liked science but thought you just weren’t cut out for it, this is where you can help real scientists do real, important science.

Each month, I write an astronomy-related column piece for the Oklahoman newspaper. On the following day, I post that same column to my blog page.

This is reprinted by permission from the Oklahoman and

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Walk the Entire Vertical Relief of Earth

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Since this was originally written for the Oklahoman newspaper, I used reference points in Oklahoma. So, I’ve added the distances to the streets/cities listed here so you can figure out the same for wherever you live.

Now that restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic have been relaxed, I imagine a lot of folks are out and about. Perhaps you are walking more, going to the park again, or even taking trips to some of our state’s great outdoor attractions.
Here’s a trip idea: walk to the top of Mt. Everest, the tallest point on Earth. Or to the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the lowest point on Earth. Think those are impossible walks? Of course, they are, but you can walk a simulation of those trips.
The summit of Mt. Everest is five and a half miles above sea level. That would be about the same as walking north along May Avenue from Reno to Grand Boulevard (5.8 miles, 9.3 km). The average person walks two to three miles per hour (3.2 – 4.8 km/hour), so such a walk would only take about two hours.

Mt. Everest Credit Benjamin Oppenheimer and USGS

The Mariana Trench is just under seven miles deep, about the same as walking south on May south from Reno to SW 104th street (7 miles, 11.3 km), a walking trip taking less than three hours. When you get there, you can turn around and walk for five hours north all the way back to Grand, and you have walked the entire vertical relief of planet Earth. That doesn’t seem so far when you think of it like that.

        Schematic of Mt. Everest with Mariana Trench, Credit Daily Mail

How about we go even farther, to the edge of space? By general agreement, space scientists define the edge of space, what’s known as the Kármán Line, as 62 miles (100 kilometers) above sea level. I know I could not easily walk that far. And even if I could, it would take more than a day to do so.
So, let’s drive. Hop in your car and drive to Weatherford, 110 miles (177 km) west of Oklahoma City, a bit less than half-way to the Texas Border. You passed the Karman Line at Hydro and are now ten miles (16.1 km) into space. Keep driving on to Amarillo, a total of 259 miles (416.8 km), and you’ve reached the cruising altitude of the International Space Station (254 miles, 408.8 km).
Who knew that if you turned west at the Amarillo Junction (the junction of I-44 and I-40), you’d be heading to the ISS?

Each month, I write an astronomy-related column piece for the Oklahoman newspaper. After it is published there, I post that same column to my blog page.

This is reprinted by permission from the Oklahoman and

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Life Below Earths Ocean Floor Give Scientists Hope for Finding Life on Mars

Ten years ago, scientists from the University of Tokyo, Japan, led an expedition to drill into rock 400 feet below the ocean floor. They have been studying the various rock samples, ranging in age from thirteen million years to 104 million years, ever since. Theses ocean rocks formed when undersea volcanoes spewed out lava which cooled into fractured rock and became buried under ocean sediment. The cracks filled with clays from the ocean floor.
The scientists knew that rocks beneath the surface of dry land were home to bacteria, and they looked for bacteria living in the ocean rocks. After intense study, with some missteps along the way, they finally found dense bacterial colonies, numbering more than 100 billion bacterial cells per cubic inch, living in the clay-filled cracks. This density of bacteria is similar to that found in the human gut. That compares to a paltry 1000 bacteria per cubic inch living in the muddy layers above the rock on the ocean floor.
"I thought it was a dream, seeing such rich microbial life in rocks," said Associate Professor Yohey Suzuki from the University of Tokyo, one of the leaders of the expedition. "Honestly, it was a very unexpected discovery. I was very lucky because I almost gave up."
This finding excites astrobiologists who search for signs of past, or present, life on Mars. Much of Mars was once covered by lakes and oceans, with similar clay minerals. Just as in the Earth study, Martian ocean sediments were eventually covered and compressed into rock at the bottom of those bodies of water.
"Minerals are like a fingerprint for what conditions were present when the clay formed. Neutral to slightly alkaline levels, low temperature, moderate salinity, iron-rich environment, basalt rock -- all of these conditions are shared between the deep ocean and the surface of Mars," said Suzuki.

Mars 2020 Rover Perseverance. Credit NASA

NASA will launch the next Martian rover, Perseverance, in late July or early August. Among other scientific instruments, Perseverance posses a biological testing lab that will search for similar bacterial colonies, living or fossilized, in similar Martian rock that was once the bottom of a Martian sea. The findings of Dr. Suzuki’s team gave NASA scientists the road map for searching for ancient, Martian bacterial colonies that may, perhaps, tell us that Mars was once, possibly still is, a home for life.

 Each month, I write an astronomy-related column piece for the Oklahoman newspaper. On the following day, I post that same column to my blog page.

This is reprinted by permission from the Oklahoman and

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Two Celestial Visitor over Next Two Months

Two celestial visitors grace our skies over the next couple of months. The first one is a 2-mile-wide asteroid that, if it struck Earth, would cause significant damage. The second is a comet that, if it keeps getting brighter at the rate it is now, will become bright enough to cast shadows at night.
The first cosmic guest comes calling on April 29th when asteroid 1998 OR2 passes by. The size of a small city, and therefore quite destructive should it ever strike Earth, it was discovered on July 24th, 1998, by the now-defunct Near Earth Asteroid Tracking program, funded by NASA and operated jointly through several major U.S. observatories.
NASA classifies 1998 OR2 a “potentially hazardous asteroid.” To receive that designation, an asteroid must be at least 500 feet across and pass within 4,650,000 miles of Earth. While an asteroid at that distance poses absolutely no threat to Earth, its orbit could be altered by gravitational tugs from other planets or moons in our solar system so that, on a future orbit, it might pass much closer to Earth or even impact our planet.
The closest approach of 1998 OR2 occurs at 4:56 CDT in the morning of the 29th. At that time, it will still be 3.9 million miles away, or 16 times the average distance between Earth and the Moon. Even with its relatively close proximity, it won’t be visible to the naked eye. But if you have a telescope and a clear, dark sky you can spot it. Go to for tips and charts to locate it.

Asteroid 1998 OR2 Image credit Gianluca Masi and The Virtual Telescope Project

Comet C/2019 Y4 ATLAS may become a spectacular sight in our night sky in late May. It was discovered on December 28, 2019 by the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS, hence the name), another NASA-funded program, operated by the University of Hawaii. As astronomers tracked it after the discovery, the comet brightened at an unprecedented rate. While astronomers expect that rate of brightening to slow down, if it were it continue to brighten as it has been, it will rival a crescent Moon in our night sky.
One major hurdle exists before the comet can bloom into a bright, beautiful sight in our night sky. The comet will pass closer to the sun than Mercury. Bright comets passing close to the sun often break into pieces or even disintegrate altogether. But if it survives that close pass, it could become the brightest comet since Comet Hale-Bopp, which passed by in 1997.

ATLAS C2019Y4_200318_FB credit  Rolando Ligustri

These two should excite amateur astronomers and all those who wonder at the night sky.

Each month, I write an astronomy-related column piece for the Oklahoman newspaper. After it is published, I post that same column to my blog page.

This is reprinted by permission from the Oklahoman and

Sunday, March 15, 2020

A Second Moon

In the late 1960s and early 1970s, NASA astronauts brought 842 pounds of rock and soil from the Moon to Earth. In addition to those samples, scientists have found more than 370 meteorites known to have come from the Moon, weighing a total of 489 pounds.
That’s impressive, but what if astronauts could bring the entire moon back to Earth?
Not that Moon. The other one.
On February 15th, astronomers with the NASA-funded Catalina Sky Survey at the University of Arizona announced the discovery of a new moon orbiting Earth. Kacper Wierzchos, one of the astronomers who made the discovery, posted several images of the object, designated 2020 CD3. Analysis of its orbit indicated that Earth’s gravity captured it three years ago when it was a small asteroid orbiting the sun. It’s tiny, only 6 to 12 feet in diameter. While it is too small to see without a large telescope, it is also small enough to be captured in a ship and returned to Earth. It is a captured asteroid and studying its makeup goes a long way to helping us better understand the origin of our solar system.

2020 CD3 Image credit: Kacper Wierzchos, Catalina Sky Survey, NASA

Wierzchos said of the discovery “It's a big deal, as out of approximately one million known asteroids, this is just the second asteroid known to orbit Earth (after 2006 RH120, which was also discovered by the Catalina Sky Survey).”
2006 RH120 eventually left Earth orbit after only nine months due to gravitational tugs and radiation pressure from the sun. 2020 CD3 will likely also leave Earth orbit eventually, but there is currently no evidence that solar radiation pressure is affecting its orbit. And it has already been a second moon for three years. So perhaps it will stick around for a while.
The Catalina Sky Survey’s mission is to hunt for and catalog all near-Earth asteroids that may pose an impact risk to Earth. While 2020 CD3 would not be a significant risk to Earth on impact, due to its small size, discovering that it is now Earth’s second moon may be even more exciting.

Each month, I write an astronomy-related column piece for the Oklahoman newspaper. After it is published there, I post that same column to my blog page.

This is reprinted by permission from the Oklahoman and

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

How to Write a Bestselling Book

It seems like EVERYONE wants to write a book. When acquaintances, friends, or family members find out I’m a writer, they often describe, sometimes in long-winded detail, the book they want to write. Then, inevitably, they ask for tips on creating their great American novel.

I wrote a book about things that fall from the sky. The first chapter dealt with weather phenomena. Now, as a scientist, an astrophysicist by degree, I actually have a fair understanding of how weather works. After all, it’s just physics applied to the atmosphere. But, as so many writers do, I wanted to check to see if I incorrectly explained anything weather-wise, so I sent it to a well-known, local meteorologist. I explained that I was writing a children’s book (I had already published four at that time) and asked if she would go over the chapter dealing with meteorology. She emailed me back gushing about the children’s book SHE wanted to write. That was four years ago, and she still hasn’t written that book. (And, by the way, she never responded to what I asked her, to verify my meteorological science.)

Many of my writer friends tell me similar stories: friends wanting help in writing the book that they’re certain will be the next New York Times best-seller. Essentially they are asking for a ten- minute description (or four-text chain, or quick email exchange) on how to write a great novel.

That, of course, is impossible. The best way to learn to write a great book is to read a lot and write a lot. In fact, the great science fiction writer Ray Bradbury once said about becoming a good writer, “Write a thousand words a day and in three years you will be a writer.” That’s a million words! That’s the equivalent of 10-20 full-length novels.

That is a bit of exaggeration. I honestly don’t know of any writer who wrote and threw away 15 novels before becoming a best-selling author.

Ray Bradbury’s advice, however, is sound in this sense: almost no one is born being a best-selling writer. Like any craft or skill, one must hone it over a long period of time with practice and failures to become excellent at it.

But I can, and do, tell people who ask me how to become a novelist that there are some skills they must learn to do well.

First, learn grammar and spelling, or use a good grammar checker and a spell checker. When Word, or whatever word processor you use, underlines a word you’ve written, it means something. It never ceases to amaze me when I judge various writing contest entries how many people ignore those and have misspellings, improper punctuation, or simply bad grammar. Editors will reject such books, and, even if you self-publish with no editing, readers will reject such books.

Second, and I can’t state this strongly enough, AVOID PASSIVE VERB CONSTRUCTION. When you use words like be, have, had, is, was, were, are, did, do, can, etc., your writing is weak. Using passive verbs TELLS the reader what happens in the story instead of SHOWING the reader how the story unfolds through actions, dialogue, and character responses to situations. And, along the same lines, avoid overuse of adverbs, all those –ly words many beginning writers use in abundance. Like passive verbs, they tell the reader what the characters think instead of showing.

Third, make sure you know everything about your two most important characters: your protagonist and your antagonist. What does the protagonist want? Why does s/he want it? What obstacles can prevent him/her from achieving the desired goal? How is the antagonist able to thwart the protagonist, and why does he/she want to? Remember also that an all-good hero or an all-bad villain is unrealistic. Those are 2-dimensional, cardboard-cutout characters. Even though the villain may be quite evil, he/she might still feed a stray dog.

And, along the same lines, KNOW YOUR STORY. What happens in the course of the story to hinder the protagonist? What is the climax and why is it a virtual do-or-die circumstance? How is the hero changed by the entire chain of events? If there is no change and growth by the hero, you don’t have a story, you have a vignette that ultimately makes no difference in the end. The reader will feel cheated by that book.

Hundreds of books exist which describe everything that goes into making a great novel, and this short blog can’t begin to cover everything a novice writer needs to learn. But those are by far the most common mistakes I see wanna-be writers make.

I also add a fourth “must” for new writers. Join a writers club and/or a critique group. Go to writer’s workshops and conferences. You need the lessons you get from the workshops and conferences and the critical reviews you receive from your critique group.

Read. Read books in the genre or genres you want to write. Read books about writing. Hell, read the newspaper. Those writers have to write every day and they eventually get quite proficient. That’s why a surprising number of great authors began their careers as journalists.

And after you’ve done all that, start on your million words. It may not take you that many, but we all need goals.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Origin of Life on Earth: The Phosphate Problem

Biologists currently don’t know where or how life began on Earth, but they do have plenty of theories. They have a pretty good idea of what chemicals are required to create life. Five elements are critical for all life on our planet: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus. Of course, many other elements come into play, but the basic structures in our cells absolutely demand these five. While all exist in our environment, they need to be highly concentrated relative to the environment in general for life to take hold. So much of the investigation into the genesis of life focuses on how to concentrate these elements.
The first, widely-accepted notion suggested that life began in tidal pools at the ocean’s edge. As tides moved out, pools of water left behind concentrated chemicals when the water evaporated. This idea held sway for many years. In the late 1970s, scientists discovered hydrothermal vents on the floor of the Pacific Ocean. These are locations where seawater seeped into Earth’s interior, became super-heated, and came back out through volcano-like vents. The hot water leached minerals out of the rock as it returned to the ocean.
This seemed to many to be even more plausible. But one puzzle still remained. Neither scenario seemed to provide the needed concentration of phosphorus. As Jonathan Toner, a University of Washington research assistant professor of Earth and space sciences described it, "For 50 years, what's called 'the phosphate problem,' has plagued studies on the origin of life.” He led a research team that studied alkaline lakes for a possible solution to the ‘phosphate problem.’ These form in low-lying areas where water collects via drainage from dry environments, often in volcanic regions, like Mono Lake in California.

Mono Lake, California. Credit U. S. Geological Survey

Typically, carbonate combines with and traps phosphorus, but in these alkaline environments, carbonate also combines with calcium which would otherwise lock-up phosphorus, too. The net result is a phosphorus concentration high enough to support life on Earth. Once again, origin-of-life theories have come back to the idea of bodies of surface water as the starting point for life on our planet.

Each month, I write an astronomy-related column piece for The Oklahoman newspaper. On the following day, I post that same column to my blog page.

This is reprinted by permission from The Oklahoman and

Monday, January 6, 2020

Human-Tardigrade Hybrids May Be the First Earthlings to Visit Mars

Tardigrades, also known as water bears for their cute appearance, are amazingly hearty microscopic creatures. They can survive being frozen, thrown in boiling water, and other extreme conditions that destroy almost all other Earthly lifeforms. In an experiment by the European Space Agency, a batch of tardigrades sat outside of a satellite in the freezing cold vacuum of space for ten days while intense UV and cosmic radiation bombarded them constantly. Most survived.
Earlier this year, an Israeli lunar lander carried thousands of tardigrades on board as a test to see if they are capable of surviving the harsh conditions of the lunar surface. The craft crashed, but these little guys are so tough, scientists believe that many likely survived that crash.

Tardigrade, also known as a water bear. Credit Shuttercock

Intense radiation remains a major hazard when traveling in space beyond Earth orbit. To go to Mars, for example, astronauts need lots of shielding from cosmic rays, which means lots of weight. And that means a huge launch cost. Astronauts less affected by space radiation can survive with less shielding. And since Mars does not possess an ozone layer to protect against UV radiation or a strong magnetic field to protect against cosmic radiation, life becomes very dangerous for astronauts or colonists there.
NASA plans on sending astronauts to Mars within 15 years. Private companies plan on sending colonists there sooner, perhaps by 2025. We have the technology to get humans to Mars within the next 5-10 years. We may well make the discovery of all time by finding native life there. But can we keep our human Martians safe?
Water bears may hold the answer. Or at least their genes. Scientists studying tardigrades have discovered many of their genetic secrets of survival, and now some have suggested that incorporating tardigrade genes into humans may make it possible for us to survive more easily on Mars or even alien planets.
Would you be willing to become a human-tardigrade hybrid to be the first human on Mars?

Each month, I write an astronomy-related column piece for the Oklahoman newspaper. On the following day, I post that same column to my blog page.

This is reprinted by permission from the Oklahoman and